7 February 2017: dvisvgm 2.1.1 has been released
  • Metafont is now called only once for each font. If the required files can’t be found, dvisvgm doesn’t call Metafont again for that font.
  • Fixed a build failure on OS X (issue #65).
  • Several minor code improvements and test enhancements.
19 January 2017: dvisvgm 2.1 has been released
  • Added option --tmpdir to explicitly set folder for temporary files.
  • Temporary files are no longer created in the current working directory by default but in the system’s temp folder (issue #63).
  • Added warning/error messages if temporary files could not be written.
  • Fixed collision of Unicode points in AGL table (issue #64).
  • Retain letter case of filenames even if it’s not significant (Windows only).
  • Various code refactorings and code cleanup.
17 November 2016: dvisvgm 2.0.4 has been released
  • The reduced FontForge library ff-woff required to create WOFF and TrueType fonts is now bundled with the sources.
  • A few typos in the manual page and the --help output have been fixed.
  • Few minor code improvements.
27 September 2016: dvisvgm 2.0.3 has been released

This is another bugfix release with the following changes:

  • Fixed a regression in the character positioning of virtual fonts.
  • Fixed the positioning of rules.
19 September 2016: dvisvgm 2.0.2 has been released

This is a bugfix release with the following changes:

  • Fixed a regression in determining the character depths of native fonts.
  • Fixed a regression in the computation of DVI positions (issue #61).
3 September 2016: dvisvgm 2.0.1 has been released

This is a small maintenance release with the following addition:

  • Added the optional argument parameter autohint to option --font-format that allows to create autohinted TTF, WOFF, or WOFF2 fonts. These fonts usually look better on low-resolution devices or when using small font sizes.
    Example: dvisvgm --font-format=woff,autohint matrices.dvi creates the following result:
29 August 2016: dvisvgm 2.0 has been released

This is a major release with the following changes/additions:

  • Added option --font-format to select the data format used to embed fonts into the SVG files. Besides the default SVG format, following alternatives are supported now: TrueType, WOFF, and WOFF2. Especially, WOFF is supported by almost all recent web browsers so that the text elements present in the SVG files are rendered correctly as in the following TikZ example:

    In order to build dvisvgm with this feature, the FontForge library is required.
    Thanks to Thomas Weidner for providing central parts of the code.
  • The code base of dvisvgm has been switched from C++03 to C++11. Thus, you need a more recent compiler (e.g. GCC 4.8.1, Clang 3.3, or Visual C++ 2015) to build the binaries.
  • The command-line parser and the CommandLine class generator have been reimplemented.
4 July 2016: dvisvgm 1.16 has been released

This maintenance release provides the following changes/additions:

  • Added support for XDV version 7 introduced by XeTeX 0.99995.
  • Added optional processing of papersize specials. For further information on how to enable it, see the manual page.
  • Added support for the length units cc, dd, and sp.
  • Fixed a unit conversion issue in computation of bounding boxes.
  • Fixed the propagation of the resolution value to the glyph vectorizer.
  • Fixed the transformation of the optional background rectangle.
  • Prevent processing of corrupted GF files.
  • Major refactorings of the DVI reader and the SVG backend.